Chinese New Year Light Offering
中国新年 供灯祈福

— 安福寺诚邀您共迎祥瑞中国年
- 农历腊月三十(1/28)10 AM – 正月初一(1/29) 5 PM
- 正月初二至初五 (1/30 – 2/2)9 AM – 5 PM
- 正月十五(2/12)9 AM – 5 PM
- 现场点灯:请至安福寺客堂登记
- 线上点灯:扫描二维码
** 本次点灯由信徒随喜供养
** 每盏灯可以写一个名字或者一个家庭。
Light a lamp of heart to welcome the blessings of the New Year
– Anfu Monastery invites you to celebrate the auspicious Chinese New Year together
Dear Dharma Friends,
As the New Year approaches, everything is renewed. In this hopeful and blessed season, Anfu Monastery invites you to make light offerings to Buddhas and Bodhisattvas during the Chinese New Year. It is dedicated to praying for peace, compassion, wisdom, and abundant blessings for all living beings.
Light offering symbolizes more than just illumination—it lights the path ahead and kindles the inner light within each of us, ushering in a New Year filled with hope, clarity, and inspiration.
Significance of Light Offering
In the Buddhist culture, a lamp symbolizes brightness and wisdom, representing the dispelling of darkness and troubles and guiding the path to enlightenment. By lighting lamps and making offerings, devotees pray for the health and success of their families, as well as illuminating compassion and wisdom for all sentient beings.
To Participate
We sincerely invite you to visit us and make light offerings in person. You may also donate online for light offerings, wishing for brilliance and harmony for yourself and your family.
- On-site: please visit the reception at Anfu Monastery
- Online: please scan the QR codes below the poster
**You are welcome to donate any amount that feels comfortable for you.
**One person or family per lamp.
May the light shine in all directions, bringing blessings and wisdom to guide you always. We look forward to welcoming the auspicious moments of the New Year with you!
Anfu Monastery
January 2025